
When you visit Windy City Retina, you can rest assured that you will be in the hands of a highly experienced retinal surgeon. Dr. Desai and his staff are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care. He is board certified in Ophthalmology and has undergone advanced fellowship training in vitreoretinal diseases

Our Expertise

At Windy City Retina we always provide advanced and personalised eye care to the patients by using the latest technology. We are experts in providing the highest quality eye care as well as medically accurate information about eyesight, eye conditions and eye diseases. Dr. Ankit Desai is a specialist in the medical and surgical treatment of vitreoretinal and macular diseases. Our specialised eye care is based on patients’ needs and requirements. Various eye care ailments like Iritis, Glaucoma, Retina diseases and Cornea diseases are also treated here.



Some treatments focus on reversing or managing a condition or factor that’s causing your dry eyes. Other treatments can improve your tear quality .


Inflammation along the edge of your eyelids can keep oil glands from secreting oil into your tears.